If you are among the millions of US citizens that think there is already too much money involved in elections, and that there exists a real possibility that elections as well as politicians can be bought and sold with the rivers of cash that political power generates. Well, hang on to your hat, and "katie bar the door". You ain't seen nothin yet!!
With today's ruling, that gives big business, and unions even more power to spend freely in political campaigns, the Supreme Court of this nation has just sold the citizens of this country down the river. All bets are off, now that nearly 100 years of government efforts to limit the ability of huge corporations to subsidize politicians and their campaigns has been overturned. Pandora is completely out of the bottle now, and it will be hard to put her back in. It's all up for sale to the highest bidder now. And this will create even more apathy among voters, who will now recognize that the average citizen is truly just a bystander, watching what is becoming an even more obscene circus of power brokers that run this country.
God help us all.
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