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Saturday, October 29, 2011

No Wonder!

I had occasion to be in the shoe department of a local department store the other day. My wife was looking for a pair of winter boots. Many years ago, I worked in the retail footwear business, for over 10 years actually,  Anyway, I nosed around in the men's shoe area while she browsed for boots. I picked up and inspected every single shoe on display in the men's shoe department, and was mildly surprise to find that 100% of the shoes displayed -- some of which were name brands that were familiar to me, such as Johnston Murphy, Clarks of England -- were manufactured in China. I could not find one item of footwear produced anywhere other than China. I started inspecting displayed footwear in the women's department, and found the same thing. Now, the womens department was much much bigger, and I did not waste time going thru them all, but you get the idea. No American, Italian, Spanish, or South American footwear....... nothing but chinese made stuff. This is part of what is wrong with our economy, and other economies around the world....Chinese exports are flooding the world!!

1 comment:

martypantsROK said...

and it's been that way for some time now. When you can get a Chinese slave for pennies per day, why have Americans take dollars to manufacture? And if they slap tariffs on China it will only make for a trade war