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Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Aging is at best, interesting, and for sure a complex process, if you really think about it.
This of course, is only true if you are fortunate, enough to grow older.
Five years ago, I underwent a complete  right side hip replacement surgery, (see "Whats Next" posts from 4/7/14). Now, on December 11th, 2018 I will be going under the knife again, as the saying goes. This time it will be for a complete left knee replacement.  This surgery is the  result of an injury I sustained in October of 1968, working part time at a grain elevator  while I was waiting for orders for basic training from the Department of the Navy. The injury required minor surgery on my left knee, which my surgeon assured me would not impede my deployment to Great Lakes Naval Station for basic training. However, on December 10th, a navy doctor in Des Moines IA, pulled me out of  the line of fellow enlistees, (all of us in our skivvies), waiting for final physical exam before shipping out to Chicago. He was interested in the still angry looking scar on my left knee. After a cursory exam, he informed me I would be going home, and would receive new orders in approximately 60 days to return for re-examination, which never happened. That was the extent of my military career.
Over the years, the knee slowly deteriorated, causing me to have multiple falls, which culminated in a bad fall the winter of 1980, and precipitated a second surgery. My orthopedic surgeon this time, Dr. J.A. Dustman, here in Bloomington IL, warned me that eventually the knee would likely need replacement surgery. Over the years, I've seen him repeatedly regarding this knee, as well as other problems associated with getting older, which include shoulder surgery, and surgery on both hands.
This year, I finally became fed up with the pain and instability the knee was causing.
So, I will be taking on the additional weight of more Titanium and polymer components of an artifical knee joint!
Stay tuned for more details.

PS: As I stated in my post "A NEW CHAPTER", earlier this year, I became the 'house-boy' at home after my retirement. It has worked out well for Marla and me!  I am pushing her to drop a day from her work schedule, as a 68th birthday present. So, if she sticks to her guns, she will work only 3 days a week after March 1st, 2019. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday!

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