The latest episode of "self-inflicted" scandals, that has this time happened to the Obama administration is the flap over the firing of Shirley Sherrod. Sherrod, a black woman, is a bureaucrat who has worked in the Agricultural Department for many years, and her job is to help rural farmers. As a child, she lived in a part of this country where there were lynchings, and cross burnings. Her father was murdered, and his killers were never brought to justice.
She gave a speech before the NAACP in which she spoke of her own prejudices and how she, over time, she resolved them. Her story actually took place 24 years ago.
The controversy was sparked by Andrew Breitbart, who posted a severly edited clip of the speech on his popular conservative website. The clip ended up on YouTube also. The remarks that he posted, (completely out of context), was a beautiful trap that the NAACP and the Obama administration fairly jumped into. The NAACP vilified her, and upon recommendation from some boob in the Agricultural administration, she was promptly fired. No investigation of the video clip. No one watched the whole speech, at least not until mainstream media picked up on the screw up. The NAACP is now back-pedaling, however the Obama administration has not changed their position on the firing.
Andrew Breibart should be ashamed for what he did. It is unconscionable, and wholly dishonest. The NAACP and the Obama administration, however, is where the blame really lies. The total lack of any investigation into what actually happened, and what was actually said, before pillorying this women, goes beyond the pale. Has none of these supposedly highly educated people ever heard "don't believe everything you see or hear on the internet"?
It really makes one wonder what kind of people are "leading" this country, and where they are "leading" us.
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