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Monday, April 24, 2017


My father passed away on Thursday, April 13th, approximately 10:30 PM.  It was somewhat unexpected, although upon reflection, it was a blessing.
Al would have turned 89 this July. He was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease 3 or 4 years ago.  It's progression was not extremely rapid, however in the last 8 months, the changes were quite apparent. And, recent evaluations contained warnings that the decline would accelerate in coming months. He took a spill on April 2nd, which resulted in a fracture of his L1 lumbar vertebrae. This required a surgical procedure consisting of an injection of "cement" into the vertebrae. He was in rehab, when he took a turn for the worse, on the 13th, and was returned to the hospital emergency room where he finally succumbed.
He still knew most of his family, especially his children and some of his grandchildren. And, remarkably, his car keys had not been taken away from him yet, although that was soon to happen.
He was a very talented individual, knowledgeable is many trades, and an artist who worked in many mediums. The disease really stole his personality, and therefore his talents.
What a terrible fate to befall anyone. To lose yourself, and all the memories, knowledge, and ideas that make you who you are.

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