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Saturday, June 30, 2018


Rome became a republic with a constitution in 509 BC. In 476 AD, the last Roman Emperor was defeated and the empire collapsed. A 985 year span.
Our republic is nearly 250 years young. One and a half years,  Five hundred forty seven days, Thirteen thousand one hundred forty hours. This is the incredibly short period of time it has taken this extremely narcissistic, misogynistic, racist individual that was elected president of the United States, to abolish a myriad of regulations ranging from consumer protection, the environment, science/global warming, and immigration. Many of the rules imposed on the banking industry, prohibiting the practices that were in large part responsible for the 2008 recession have been removed as well. He has labeled the free press as "the enemy of the people". In addition, he is well on the way to starting a global trade war that will be devastating to our economy, and well as economies around the world, while alienating all of our global allies at the same time. He has lauded oppressive dictators around the globe, and is constantly chipping away at our rights to free speech and many other 'core' values that have made the United States of America the leader of the free world for the past 73 years. All of this, in the name of 'winning' for himself and his family!
To be sure, POTUS has not done this on his own. He enjoys the full support of the Republican party. A party that has strayed so far from their core conservative values it is breath taking. A party that is bent on winning, regardless of the consequences. Gone is the party of Lincoln. Gone too is the party of Ronald Reagan. What remains is the party of exclusion and bigotry. The party of hypocrisy, greed and avarice.
We are going backwards, and picking up speed. Will the United States survive the Trump era?

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