Remember this date fellow citizens. January 21, 2020, will go down in history books around the globe as the date that 53 republican senators chose to move the United States of America from a republic that has had a democratic form of governance for over 2 centuries, to the beginnings of a dictatorship.
The impeachment trial of supreme ass-wipe in chief, Donald J tRump begins today. And, sadly, despite all of the evidence and testimony that has been given, the republican senators, who are in the majority, are in total fealty and lockstep with their dear leader. They have, before the trial has even started, made the decision to acquit our ass-wipe in chief. And after fashioning the senate trial rules to suit their ideologies, disallowing any new evidence, or additional witnesses, will likely succeed in their quest to continue to destroy our constitution. It is a very sad time for America.
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