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Thursday, February 6, 2020


Well, here we are just two days after the Senate voted to acquit tRump along mostly party lines and only 1 day after tRump's political rally/SOTU. We now have a president who, by the power, we vested into the senate, can pretty much do as he pleases with absolute impunity.
This situation that the United States finds itself in still takes one's breath away. How the senate, in a matter of just a few hours handed over to the executive branch of our government, an extraordinary amount of power. History will reverberate with this decision for decades. And, it is this writer's opinion, that history will mostly look unkindly on this decision, and the republican senators that chose political party over their country.
There is but one republican senator that made the conscious and most certainly difficult decision to convict tRump on one of the two articles of impeachment were passed by the house of representatives, which was an abuse of power. Senator Mitt Romney stood before the senate and made a very impassioned speech explaining his decision, knowing full well what it would surely cost him politically.  Think about that for a minute. Only one man out of 100 senators had the intestinal fortitude to honor his oath of office and uphold and protect our constitution.
Now, where do we go as a nation from here? Now that tRump has been given carte blanche to wield the power of the executive branch as he sees fit?
Our next best chance to rid ourselves of this extremely narcissistic, misogynistic, lying, cheating grifter will be the November 2020 election.  How many of us will (as usual) stay home and not cast a vote. Time will tell all.  God help this nation if we have to suffer four more years of this traitorous turn.

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