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Saturday, October 23, 2010


Theeeey're baaack!  Yes, November is fast approaching, and it is "mid-term election time again, and the politicians are in full song. Each one extolling not what they plan to do to solve the severe problems that face our state, or the nation, (God forbid that they would have to reveal that for the most part, they have no better remedies than the folks sitting in office now). Instead, we are tortured with a constant drone of political ads demonizing the other guy. To believe these ads, the "other guys" are the root of all that is evil in the world!  If these ads weren't so disgusting, some of them would be laughable.
I"m so sick of of this barrage of verbal hyperbole, that I'm beginning to long for a toothpaste ad, or maybe a hemorrhoid creme ad!  Now that's desperate!!
Hey, wait a minute. Maybe we could take some of that hemorrhoid creme from that ad and rub it on the politicians in their ads, and they would dissappear??
Naw, no such luck!

1 comment:

peggy said...

so true but no such luck, you're right.